My Value Service

Learn more about the services that Value Drug offers.


CP Specialty Pharmacy Services™

CP Specialty Pharmacy Services™ offers specialty pharmacy service options valuable to prescribers’ offices, insurance plans and most importantly patients as an add-on to your business. CP Specialty Pharmacy Services is not a filling pharmacy but a resource available to you in order to offer the tools and clinical support that are expected for specialty pharmaceuticals today now at the local, community pharmacy level.

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Value Health Center Telemedicine Program

Value Drug has partnered with telehealth company American Well to provide the Value Health Center Telemedicine Program as an alternative setting to traditional Urgent Care and Emergency Room visits. The Telemedicine Program is provided through American Well’s Web-based platform, Amwell™, and enables patients to consult with a U.S.-trained, board certified physician using a secure, private, online video connection from their laptop, tablet, smartphone or via an American Well telehealth kiosk.

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Value Specialty Pharmacy

By having your independent pharmacy partner with Value Specialty Pharmacy, you will be able to support your patients and their prescription needs with a streamlined health network built on trust, quality assurance and service. Whether it’s processing specialty refills and shipping them to your store or preparing advanced medications via delivery for patients with chronic illnesses, Value Specialty Pharmacy will help give you the support, convenience and ability to focus on patient care.

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340B Program

At Value Drug, we offer unique services tailored to independent pharmacies and seek out opportunities for growth and expansion of the 340B pharmacy network, as well as cultivate the program at the store level for long-lasting sustainability through coordination and cooperation with covered entities to add-on services like specialty pharmacy.

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